Fifty Fabulous Things

My goal is to accomplish everything on my Fifty Fabulous Feats list by March 24, 2013. To see what fabulous things I will be doing over the next two years see my first blog entry, The Fabulous List, posted on December 11, 2010.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Fabulous Feats List

  1. Bake really great French bread
  2. Take up yoga
  3. Create a blog and update it at least 3 days a week
  4. Winnow my wardrobe down to 50 spring/summer and 50 fall/winter things
  5. Learn conversational Spanish
  6. Run 10 5K races
  7. Raise chickens for eggs
  8. Train a dog to pass AKC good citizenship test
  9. Watch a women’s ski jumping event
  10. Learn everything I can about Peru for a future trip
  11. Work with a food pantry
  12. Create a website
  13. Learn to knit something I would wear
  14. Learn to play the ukulele
  15. Go for a balloon ride
  16. Learn to mediate
  17. Learn to ride a motor bike
  18. Take a llama trek
  19. Plan/design a GREEN house
  20. Have a signature potluck dish
  21. Enter 50 contests
  22. Learn how to can/preserve food
  23. Create a zine
  24. Make my own safe cleaning supplies
  25. Learn how to cross-country ski
  26. Winnow my physical library down to 50 books
  27. Learn how to run barefoot
  28. Keep bees
  29. Teach a Red Cross Dog/Cat First Aid Course
  30. Create a succulent wall hanging
  31. Have a worm farm
  32. Learn to scull
  33. Learn how to care for a wide variety of animals
  34. Find a dog a home (not mine)
  35. Create a really great dog biscuit
  36. Sell something on eBay
  37. Write a grant
  38. Grow my own vegetables year-round successfully
  39. Try skijoring
  40. Become a Wisconsin Master Gardener
  41. Learn how to wood burn
  42. Take up biking for short-distance commuting – efficiently and safely
  43. Create a home with an inviting, joyous, comfortable, loving atmosphere.
  44. Refinish a piece of furniture
  45. Learn about Wisconsin Outsider Artists and visit 5 sites
  46. Start a small side business that serves animals and/or their owners
  47.  Reconnect with old friends and make new friends
  48.  ?
  49.  ?
  50.  ?
Empty Bucket Ready for Some Fabulous Splashes

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